Rates & Meals

We aim to exceed your expectations. The following information will help you enjoy your stay with us.


Rooms $145.00 p/night/double
Queen bed family room with two single beds $165.00 p/night

Magnolia 1 Bedroom Suite self contained $165.00

If multiple rooms for same family deals offered.


Roast Leg of Lamb followed by desert (see selection below) $35.00

Double Cooked Pork Belly with star anise followed by desert ( see selection below) $45.00

Chicken Parmagiana $25.00

Spaghetti Bolognaise $25.00

Steak, potato bake and salad. $30.00

Desert selection: Banoffee pie, pavlova or mini cheese cake, minimum of 4 as all sweets are made specially for you.

The prices are per person, children based on age ie. 5 year old $5.00

Afternoon tea

Afternoon tea is available to all our guests by request. Our afternoon tea consists of tea or coffee plus home cooked scones with jam and cream.


Continental breakfast is supplied for self catering to enable you and your family to enjoy breakfast early or at your leisure, for those who prefer to sleep in. Hot breakfast can be prepared for you on upon request for additional $10.00 per head.


With 24 hours advance notice and consultation with our guest we are happy to provide three course set menu dinner for $45.00 a head.