The Farm
Native Birds
Galah’s, eastern rosellas, crimson rosellas, king parrots, turks, black and white cockatoos, wood ducks, wedge tail eagles, smaller hawks, magpies, currawong, tawney frog mouths and more. To assist with identification we have What Bird is That.
Domestic Birds
Chooks are feed everyday and eggs collected.
We also have three pet sheep Betty, Bonny and Bella.
Animals you may see during your stay
Native Animals
Ring-tailed possums, pretty face wallabies, walleroo, kanga- roo’s
Non Native Animals
Hare’s, rabbits and foxes.
Dogs– Lilly, Buster and the working dogs Tess, Gracie and Bindi. Miniature horses/ponies, Stallion—Bolino, Mares—, Abby, Faith and Cleo, sheep and cattle.